Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I really liked the article about the laugh tracks. I thought I was the only person in the world who didn't get the point of them. I remember when I was little I used to think that when there was laughter on the show it meant that it was really funny and you should laugh anyway because everyone else did. And most of the stuff on sitcoms in the past were actually funny. I didn't start to realize how stupid laugh tracks were until I watched the show on Nickelodeon Drake and Josh. I remember they would say really stupid, corny jokes and the laugh track would play and I'd sit there and think "why is that funny???" I think for old sitcoms like Three's Company the laughing in the audience is ok because nobody laughs at once. At some points of the show you can hear like a few people laughing at something funny because it appealed to them and it seemed more real because maybe those people thought something was funny when others didn't. I also agree with his comment about how we laugh a lot here in the US. I know I laugh a lot. I don't think there's anything wrong with that really. Maybe Europeans should lighten up a little haha.

Although I think laugh tracks are dumb I think they are able to change the genre of something quite quickly hahaha. I found a clip on Youtube from the movie The Shining. Everyone knows this movie is a horror film but someone took scenes from the movie and put it in a Seinfeld style show with the laugh track and that little bass interlude that plays during changes of scenes on the show hahahaha:

The movie seemed a little more funny to me after I watched this haha.

For the article about plagiarism I agree that a lot of people my age do copy a lot. I think it's because there's this notion going around that writing papers is so awful. I don't think it's that bad unless you're writing about something you don't care about. I can understand how that feels to go "ughhh I don't want to do this. I don't even care!" and you just want to copy off of people but you can't do that. I do think some plagiarism rules are a little too strict but it's not ok to take sentences word for word without giving credit.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black Swan

I think for my research writing paper I want to do an analysis on the movie Black Swan. I think this movie will be interesting to research because in the movie there are many scenes where it's hard to tell what's really happening and what's imagined. So I'd like to take a look at that and see if we can figure out what really happened. I found some really cool internet articles that I think I might use:



But I do need to be careful on what kinds of sources  I use. I was also thinking of watching the real ballet Swan Lake so I can see the original story the film is based on. I'm sure there are tons of videos out there about it and will be easy to find. The only thing I'm worried about for this paper is finding enough sources to use and making sure they're reliable. But this movie was so good and really interesting and I would really like to write about it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

I used the article Fostering Effective and Enjoyable Practice by Margaret Berg from the magazine The American String Teacher Associtiation. The article basically gives string teachers tips on how to get their students to develop healthy practicing methods. I used this article because I'm a violin student and a teacher. This article is useful to me for both ways. They give tips on how to teach your students how to be patient with their practicing. I learned from this article what I need to do in order to get me to practice more which is what I need to do. I can also use these techniques to help my students.

Berg, Margaret. "Foserting Effectice and Enjoyable Practice." American String Teacher Association 60.4 (2010): 30-33. Print.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

About me and English prompt

Hi everyone!
My name's Annie. I'm a sophomore at IUP. I'm a violin performance major. I've been playing the violin since I was 8. I love it!! My goal in life is to become a professional violinist and play with a symphony orchestra. I love music more than anything in the world haha. I made this blog for my English class because we needed to start a blog about certain things we read.

This is my response to the article about Your Brain on Computers. I'm kind of neutral on the situation. I don't really have an opinion because I can see both sides of the argument. It's obvious that technology does a lot of things to our brains. It can help and damage us. But I don't think that everyone can become as addicted to technology as Mr. Campbell. There are probably a lot of people out there who can become addicted to it like how there are other people out there who have all kinds of addictions like alcohol, drugs, whatever. But that doesn't mean everyone will turn out like this guy where they have to constantly check their email. I think I use my computer a lot, but usually all I do is listen to music. I get on Facebook occassionally, but it's not something that I have to do or I'll be in a bad mood until I do it. I just think it all depends on the person.

One thing I didn't really understand was the whole discussion about multi tasking. Sometimes for the violin you have to do things one step at a time like playing double stops and placing your fingers at the right intervals. I struggled with that a lot because I would try to place both my fingers at the same time. But my violin teacher told me that it's actually impossible for the brain to multi task. You have to make steps in your head of what you want to do first. And for me I had to place one finger down first and then the next after. So what I didn't get was why are professional people talking about multi tasking if you actually can't to it?

I liked the article but I think they were just a little preachy kind of. I think it all just depends on who you are to get addicted to technology and have it affect you. I honestly don't think that it has made me become distracted or anything to the point where I forget things like the family in the article. This stuff doesn't happen to everyone. Also on a side note there was something that irritated me about this article. I really hate when I see little kids using cell phones/ipods or anything. I think little kids should be playing with toys. I don't think kids should be getting on Facebook or using a cell phone. They need to be outside playing or playing with their Barbie dolls or whatever. Their brains are still developing and I believe that can cause developmental problems with it. I don't think the Campbell's should have let their daughter in the 2nd grade have a laptop, a portable DVD player, and an ipod. Kids don't need to be wasting their time on that stuff.