Monday, April 4, 2011


I don't have a problem with religion but I don't think it's right to try to shove your beliefs down everyone's throats. Personally I do believe in God but I don't really follow any religious group. I just feel like there is some sort of creator. But I don't follow any of that stuff that really religious types follow such as hating gay people. I have some gay friends and they are the nicest sweetest people ever. They're not evil. You can't help who you fall in love with you know what I mean? This is just my beliefs but I know everyone does bad things but that doesn't make them bad people which I think some Christian types don't really get. I think the truly good people are the ones who live with love in their hearts. Like I said before I don't really follow any religious group, I just have my own thoughts about religion and all that. I also don't think it's right for an atheist to shove their thoughts down your throat. I had to go to the 6:00 series this semester for bonus for my psychology class and the speaker was an atheist guy. At first he would be civil to really Christian people then all of a sudden he changed his story and the end of his presentation was him bashing Christians and saying what they believe is wrong and stupid. I just thought that was hypocritical of him. If you're gonna believe in God, fine, and if you're not going to, that's fine too. I think you should just follow what's in your own heart and mind.

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